MHAVE met with the Haitian Diaspora Federation

This Tuesday August 25, 2020 from 2 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Minister of MHAVE Louis Gonzague E. DAY participated in a working meeting by videoconference with the HAITIAN FEDERATION OF THE DIASPORA The purpose of this meeting was to define the partnership relations between the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad and the Haitian Federation of the Diaspora. The objectives discussed were as follows: • Define the links, contributions and relationships between Haitians living abroad and Haiti • Recognize the barriers to integrating Haitians living abroad, even naturalized and / or non-naturalized in the different host countries • Recognize the legal and institutional constraints for welcoming Haitians wishing to return to Haiti • Determine the actions to be taken to engage in a constructive dialogue between the Haitian State and the diaspora, through its representative bodies and beyond the dialogue relating to the measures / or organizational structures to be created to invite the Haitian diaspora in a “Konbit ”Recovery and revaluation of the country’s resources. • Respect the differences and disparities of Haitian groups and communities in Haiti and elsewhere in order to guarantee ideal representativeness that adequately supports our motto and our desire to regain our strength in unity. This friendly meeting and rich in exchanges went well, the participants were satisfied and said that it was in their opinion a historic meeting to be highlighted in the annals of the Haitian Federation of the Diaspora. • Mr. Yannick Martin happy with this outcome, stressed that it has been 12 years since the Haitian Federation of the Diaspora has been waiting for such a moment. • Ms. Desulmé for her part mentioned that this meeting was similar to the Congress of Arcahaie. A next fortnightly meeting is scheduled, Minister DAY has proposed two meetings per month for better coordination of the actions of the Haitian Federation of the Diaspora. MHAVE NATIVE NATAL NEW Communication manager of the Cabinet of Minister DAY
This Tuesday August 25, 2020 from 2 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Minister of MHAVE Louis Gonzague E. DAY participated in a working meeting by videoconference with the HAITIAN FEDERATION OF THE DIASPORA.


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